
Rachel L. Franz, Sasa Junuzovic, Martez Mott. 2024. A virtual reality scene taxonomy: Identifying and designing accessible scene-viewing techniques. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 31 (2), 1-44.

Rachel L. Franz, Jinghan Yu, Jacob O. Wobbrock. 2023. Comparing locomotion techniques in virtual reality for people with upper-body motor impairments. ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS) 2023. 1-14.


Rachel L. Franz, Sasa Junuzovic, Martez Mott. 2021. Nearmi: A framework for designing point of interest techniques for VR users with limited mobility. ACM ASSETS 2021. 1-14.


Jaisie Sin, Rachel L. Franz, Cosmin Munteanu, and Barbara Barbosa Neves. 2021. Digital Design Marginalization: New perspectives on designing inclusive interfaces. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2021. 1–11.


Rachel L. Franz, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Yi Cheng, Leah Findlater. 2019. Perception and adoption of mobile accessibility settings by older adults experiencing ability changes. ACM ASSETS 2019. 267-278.


Rachel L. Franz, Leah Findlater, Barbara Barbosa Neves, and Jacob O. Wobbrock. 2019. Gender and help seeking by older adults when learning new technologies. ACM ASSETS 2019. 136-142.


Barbara Barbosa Neves, Rachel L. Franz, Rebecca Judges, Christian Beermann, and Ron Baecker. 2019. Can digital technology enhance social connectedness amongst older adults? A feasibility study. Journal of Applied Gerontology 38 (1), 49-72.


Dhruv Jain, Rachel L. Franz, Leah Findlater, Jackson Cannon, Raja Kushalnagar, and Jon Froehlich. 2018. Towards accessible conversations in a mobile context for people who are deaf and hard of hearing. ACM ASSETS 2018. 81-92.


Rachel L. Franz, Ron Baecker, and Khai N. Truong. 2018. “I knew that, I was just testing you”: Understanding older adults’ impression management tactics during usability studies. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing 11 (3), Article 15. 1-23.


Barbara Barbosa Neves, Rachel L. Franz, Cosmin Munteanu and Ron Baecker. 2018. Adoption and feasibility of a communication app to enhance social connectedness amongst frail institutionalized oldest old: An embedded case study. Information, Communication & Society 21 (11), 1681-1699.


Barbara Barbosa Neves, Rachel L. Franz, Cosmin Munteanu, Ronald Baecker, and Mags Ngo. 2015. “My hand doesn’t listen to me!”: Adoption and evaluation of a communication technology for the ‘oldest old’. ACM CHI 2015. 1593-1602.


Nikola Banovic, Rachel L. Franz, Khai N. Truong, Jennifer Mankoff, and Anind K. Dey. 2013. Uncovering information needs for independent spatial learning for users who are visually impaired. ACM ASSETS 2013. 1-8.


Rachel L. Franz, Leah Findlater and Jacob O. Wobbrock. 2019. Just ask me: Comparing and older adults’ knowledge of their optimal touchscreen target sizes. ACM ASSETS 2019. 591-593.


Rachel L. Franz, Siyan Zhao, and Roberta Klatzky. 2014. Investigating the accuracy of mental representations of tactile maps. Stanford Undergraduate Psychology Conference.


Rachel L. Franz, Leah Findlater, and Jacob O. Wobbrock. 2018. Lost in transition: The importance of conceptualizing aging as a process in accessibility research. In Workshop on “Designing Interactions for the Aging Populations” ACM CHI 2018. 53–58.


Rachel L. Franz, Cosmin Munteanu, Barbara Barbosa Neves, and Ronald Baecker. 2015. Time to retire old methodologies? Reflecting on conducting usability evaluations with older adults. ACM Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI) 2015. 912-915.


Rachel L. Franz and Barbara Barbosa Neves. 2019. Usability is ageless: Conducting usability tests with older adults. Ageing and Digital Technology. 99-114.


Rachel L. Franz, Barbara Barbosa Neves, Carrie Demmans Epp, Ronald Baecker, and Jacob O. Wobbrock. 2019. Why and how think-alouds with older adults fail: Recommendations from a study and expert interviews. Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research with Older People. 217-235.


Amy J. Ko and Rachel L. Franz. 2017. Design Methods.